Within the local community support program funded by the United States Agency for International Development, a solar energy project was opened to provide sustainable energy for the water pumping station in the town of Mazraat al-Tuffah to provide water to more than 2,000 residents, in the presence of the United States Ambassador to Lebanon, Lisa Johnson, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors/General Director of North Lebanon Water Corporation, Mr. Khaled Barakat Obeid, represented by the organization’s technical director, Engineer Kabi Nasr, Director of the USAID Mission in Lebanon, Julie Southfield, President of the Union of Zgharta Municipalities, Mr. Zaani Al-Khair, Head of the Zgharta Department in the North Lebanon Water Corporation, Mr. Samir Franjieh, and the Mayor of Mazraat al-Tuffah Mr. Simon Girgis and members of the municipal council at the Mazraat al-Tuffah.
This project was funded and implemented by the US government at a value of $223,000 through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Local Community Support Program (CSP), in partnership with the North Lebanon Water Corporation, and the Municipality of Mazraat al-Tuffah, which contributed by providing land with an area of 2,000 square meters. For the project.